Preparing for Home Use - Getting a card reader
Next Step: Loading Trust
Preparing for PKI Home Use requires an internet connected computer with an available USB port and DoD issued smart card containing certificates. What may not be on hand is a smart card reader, which may be easily ordered online if not available, locally. Mentioned here are three of the readers most widely compatible DoD credentials. This is not to say that other readers won't work, but the ones indicated here definitely will. An online etailer like Amazon is an easy way to look at purchasing one of these models. Typing in a term like PIV Card Reader into the search box shows that these items are known and readily available. The listings presented match up with the models mentioned earlier. The smallest reader on the end is actually quite good on non-windows platforms, but that's another tutorial. EBay is another online source for readers. Typing in CAC reader prompts the user to jump to the Laptop accessories category. Again the top models listed are fairly consistent. So go ahead and get a card reader. Once in possession of a card reader, proceed to the Next Step in preparing for DoD PKI Home Use: Loading Trust. Choose the tutorial that best describes the Operating System or Use Case needing to be supported.